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24 August 2010

paris day two

we started off the day by (trying) to wake up early at 6am to go to the eiffel tower at sunrise - didn't happen - jet lag was making out bodies feel like being hit by a train. instead we woke up at 10am here to go to the seine river tour of paris. this really helped us associate ourselves with areas of paris. we've been able to get around easily once we figure out a map, but this helped us really understand the city a little better. it's interesting to figure out a city that's labeled by its landmarks (unlike minneapolis). later when we saw the arc de triomphe far down the street, we knew exactly where we were. it's a completely different way of comprehending how the layout of city works.

after the river tour we accidentally wandered into the expensive shopping district and saw Dolce and Gabbana. we mimicked pigeons and bought bread at a local store. then we brought it to the tulieries garden fountain to eat. shortly after we went to the d'orsay museum to see van gogh, (post) impressionism, art noveau, monet, manet, seurat, gaugin, corbet, and others. we then walked back to the apartment, passing through the paris equivalency of new york's time square (charles de gualle - where i unfortunately walked over a street fan in a dress and pulled a marilyn monroe - oops). we are now sampling french cheese with our landlady, joan, and figuring out which train to take to nice on friday. 

top - notre dame (from the river tour)
bottom left: louis vuitton (and their amazing window displays)
bottom right: concord square

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