k lets get the least important stuff out of the way.
our mixed media teacher took us to a bone church which was pretty gross. santa maria della concezione dei cappuccini (our lady of the conception of the capuchins) was commissioned by pope urban viii. we visited the crypt underneath the church. the pope's brother ordered the remains of thousands of capuchin friars in 1631 where people were forced to bury their own dead. the bones were arranged along the wall and contains the remains of 4,000 friars. individual bones are used to create intricate designs.
after that, we enjoyed a big fat cheddar cheeseburger and cheddar mashed potatoes. cheddar is pretty much non existent in rome so i had to order everything that had it in the recipe obviously. it was scrumptious.
thursday we had our typical art history tour. ill skip the rundown except we got to see a couple of borromini and bernini's famous pieces.
bernini's st. teresa in ecstasy |
borromini church |
i had a splendid time with my grandma. she arrived wednesday night so i skipped my afternoon class on thursday to take her around rome. even though she's been here a couple times, we went to throw coins into the trevi fountain and shopped around a little. we later went out to dinner to have pizza and wine. after class the next morning we left for venice!
isnt she cute!? |
since the fast train was sold out (and the rest for the afternoon were), we were forced to take the slow train and not arrive in venice until really late. we checked in to our hotel around 10:15 pm and quickly found a place to eat before everything closed. we ended up at this ridiculously expensive restaurant that had some ridiculous meals also. grandma even had trouble finding something she liked. we decided never to go back there again.
the next day was the last of the nicely forecasted weather so we took advantage and hit up venice. we walked through san marco square in the morning, took pictures with pigeons and in front of the gondola stand, and did some shopping.
she bought me this beautiful mask you see in the picture. since my specific one was being wrapped up carefully, we took a picture with this one instead. grandma bought her own mask to hang up and also a little boot, which she collects.
we eventually made our way to the rialto bridge and ate lunch on the canal.
we walked back through san marco square to take more pictures, but turned around before dinner so i could get a coat i had spotted earlier. it was getting chilly and i still didnt have a winter coat for my time here!
dinner was later that night at something something rafaele. i had the most wonderful roasted chicken i've had in my entire life. it was delicious. and it came with french fries. we finished with wine and tiramisu, which we had the first night in rome also. yummmm. we went back to san marco square to listen to some music and have another glass of wine, grandma had cognac.
the next morning was rainy so we kind of just wandered to see what there was to do that wasn't outside. we came across a music museum which was advertising a concert later that night that we had seen signs for previously. we bought some tickets and a cd and checked out the museum. there were lots of old violins and and harp from like 700 ad or something crazy.
we continued to shop for souvenirs for people, saw some really pretty architecture, took lots of pictures, had lunch and wine, ate some chocolate, then went back to the hotel because the weather was crappyyyy. i took a nap (wine makes me sooo tired) while watching some of the latest news on the yemen/uk/chicago bombs and turkey suicide bomber. i didnt like hearing that, especially because im going to london in 2 weeks.
after waking up, we went to dinner at this little cafe. we were a little on the early side and not much was open, but we enjoyed ham/cheese "toast" with some wine (of course) and attempted to kill some time before the concert started. we tried to find a little bar to have some limoncello at, but everywhere we went to was a restaurant and wouldnt just serve us drinks. we went back to the place we had dinner at (since they actually did just serve drinks) and had some limoncello and water. then we went to the orchestra concert, which was amazing. here is a photo of the inside of the church we sat in.
the grand piano was gorgeous and i wanted to take it home with me. the concert was very enjoyable and the orchestra was extremely talented. i took video of it that ill probably put up sometime soon.
on the walk home, i took some pretty night shots and we called it a night after seeing if anything was updated on the 2 english news channels we had.
we woke up to a not so nice ruckus outside of our window and had the hardest time figuring out what it was. before looking out the window, i thought people were being dumb and moving around chairs on the cobblestone. the metal was making a horrid noise thru the quiet streets of venice. it was about 5:30 in the morning when i finally decided to look out the window. we weren't positive at the time, but people in construction gear were placing planks on tope of metal risers. we later found out that those planks were in case of flooding, which venice expects in the next couple days. needless to say, it was a rude awakening and the planks were gone when we woke up. i guess flooding wasn't really a problem yet, but our hotel dude at the front told us san marco square was flooding that morning.
after a nice hotel breakfast and hitting the train home for the day, grandma and i skyped my mom, uploaded our pictures, and had paninis and wine at a local gelateria by my apartment. it was time to say our goodbyes since i have to wake up at 4am to go to switzerland with my class. it was difficult since i didnt want to see her leave, but we had such a lovely time in rome and venice. thank you very much for treating me to a wonderful venice trip!! it was molto bene :) now off to switzerland (and a little part of germany) for the week!